Alexander Bentley
What employment sector do you work in?
Public Sector
How long have you had a green job for nature?
2 years
Salary Range
£30,001 – £40,000
Please describe the work that you do.
A Forestry Commission dictated role (WCAF), with a particular interest specialising in Agroforestry and the role it can play in the Humber Forest.
The lead WCO delivering the woodland/forestry and agroforestry targets for North Lincolnshire whilst contributing to the Humber Forest (an ECF for The Northern Forest). The position mainly involves agroforestry and woodland design, GIS, land-management, monitoring, soil and spatial analysis, alongside numerous fauna and flora surveys.
What do you most like about your job? Any dislikes?
Being able to support farmers / landowners both diversifying their businesses AND their land. All contributing to biodiversity, carbon and ecosystem resilience. Being in a position to help educate others is also a really powerful and inspiring aspect to the job.
What inspired you into this career?
My Mum works for the Wildlife Trusts and Dad for Natural England, my upbringing really had a vital role in opening my eyes to the natural environment.
Have you faced any challenges in progressing your career so far?
Non so far, I have had a brilliant support network in order to help guide me. Working on lengthy site visits and assessments can get lovely at times but that’s a small price to pay doing a job you love!
What education/training did you have?
University and volunteering.
What advice would you give to someone coming into the profession?
Volunteer as the more stings to your bow the better! I certainly recommend joining CIEEM, especially early in your career, their support network and mentoring programme are second to non. Also, always remember to be nice, it’s a small sector and not everyone shares the same opinions regarding the natural environment but it’s these diverse opinions that can lead to advances through different thinking.
Tags: England, Public sector, Forestry and arboriculture roles, Environmental adviser, Woodland