What is a Green Job for Nature?

In a nutshell, a GJfN is a job that directly contributes to managing, protecting and restoring our natural world.

It matters because we have been losing nature at a frightening rate in recent decades, and that not only damages the natural world but also damages people. We rely on nature to provide us with essential services such as food (e.g. pollinators), fuel (e.g. wood), materials (e.g. medicines and clothing) as well as supporting our physical and mental wellbeing.

Fortunately, the value of nature and the contribution that healthy natural systems make to adapting to a changing climate is being more widely recognised, and with that comes a demand for people to fill the jobs that are needed to manage and restore our natural world whether on land, by the coast, at sea or by our rivers and wetlands.

Find out more about how green jobs contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Don’t worry if you don’t think that getting ‘hands on’ with nature is your thing. There are lots of different office-based roles involving managing data, influencing policy or using technology, for example.

A final thought before you go off and explore this site. One day we won’t be talking about ‘green jobs’ as almost all jobs, whether they will be in building construction, transport, manufacturing, retail or other areas of the economy, will be delivered in environmentally sustainable ways, using green technologies and with minimal negative impact (and hopefully a positive impact) on the environment.

Well, that’s the plan!

“Getting a GJFN is so rewarding, it’s good to know that my career is not only supporting me but also helping others.”

Luci Phalp

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CIEEM (or the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management to give us our full title) is the professional membership body supporting ecologists and environmental managers in the UK and Ireland.